Docken Log Cabin

3272 Foothill Ave., Osage, IA (Meroa)


  • 1857 Built by B. Bergsager

  • 1858 Purchased by T. Tiedman and Gunhild Docken

  • 1895 Moved off original foundation and replaced by new structure

  • 1900’s Became workshop and blacksmith shop used by Gabriel Docken

  • 1989 Restored by Galen and Kathleen Docken

  • 1999 Flood waters filled the cabin

  • 2005 Given to Mitchell CountyHistorical Society by Galen and Kathleen Docken and moved to Meroa

The Docken Cabin was constructed in 1857 in Cedar Township and purchased by the Docken Family in 1858.

The log cabin remained in the Docken Family until Galen and Kathleen Docken donated it to the Mitchell County Historical Society in 2005. The cabin was then moved by volunteers and now shares the site with the Walnut Grove School at 3272 Foothill Ave., Osage, IA (Meroa).

As you enter the cabin, imagine yourself in a time when the area was prairie grass, wild flowers and trees. This would be your shelter in the often harsh conditions of the pioneers. You are home, growing your family, and befriending travelers who are searching for a place to settle.

Original Owners

Gunhild Asleson Docken April 10, 1840 - January 22, 1924

Tiedeman Tiedemanson Docken April 29, 1821 - June 20, 1887

Moving the cabin

Left to Right: Loren Berge, Galen Docken, Lloyd Gerbig and Dean Wright.

Down the road to the new location

Settling on the new foundation and current home.