Union No 1 School

1006 Chestnut Street, Osage, IA

Welcome to School

Take your seats

Face the teacher

Live Interview

A spontaneous interview with a former student of Union #1 Schoolhouse, Marvin Weber.

In the early 1960s began an added mission of historical preservation to the Mitchell County Agricultural Society's vision. Recognizing the need to provide assistance in preserving historical buildings, the Agriculture Society decided to purchase a one-room school house in 1961.  School reorganizations and consolidations resulted in many of these buildings being sold and removed from the rural landscape.  William Ehlke, a director of the rural school district in Union Township, persuaded people in his district to help the Agriculture Society purchase their school, Union No. 1.  Bidders restrained their bids and the one-room school house was purchased for $35 by the Agriculture Society. 

Birth of the Historical Society

After the one-room school purchase was a reality, the Mitchell County Historical Society was formed to help provide care and control of the school during the fair.  

The bell tower on Union #1 was originally on Newburg #6.

The original location was at 480th Street and Kirkwood Ave. in Union Township, Mitchell County and was in use until 1946-47.